Sunday, December 25, 2011

Feng shui ~ House Arrangements for a Successful and Prosperous Year of 2012

Getting ready for 2012?

I will start to provide fengshui advice for 2012. Make changes accordingly to bring upon the best fortune.

In order to make good feng shui arrangements, first your need to learn how to divide your home into the nine areas.

Find the center point of your house.

Stand at the center point, hold a compass in front of you, and find the North direction at 0 degree. Measured from the center of your house, find the 8 directions each covering 45 °degrees.
North (N) - 337.5 ~ 22.5 degree;
Northeast (NE) - 22.5 ~ 67.5 degree.
East (E) - 67.5 ~ 112.5 degree;
Southeast (SE) -112.5 ~ 157.5 degree.
South (S) - 157.5 ~ 202.5 degree;
Southwest - (SW) -202.5 ~ 247.5 degree.
West (W) - 247.5 ~ 292.5 degree;
Northwest - (NW) -292.5 ~ 337.5 degree.

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