Sunday, November 13, 2011

Physiognomy ~ Men with Frequent Infatuation at 40+

Some men become more popular and may enjoy frequent infatuation relations after reaching their middle age.

It can be because at this stage in their lives, they hold a better financial status and are filled with sexual desires.
These men usually have a big, meaty nose.

It may also be due to the fact that they've reached higher social status and hold greater authority.
These kind of men often have wide, square mandibles. They are grounded and confident of their decisions.

In addition, men can exhibit such behavior because they enjoy messing around with female and have stopped worrying about the consequences.
These kind of men often have big and misaligned of teeth.

Sometimes, these men have lived such a mundane life that they are ready for some excitement.
These kind of men usually have very smooth, tender and delicate skin.

Finally, of course it is possible that they are just kind, confident, thoughtful men with warm personalities and health bodies - both of which attract the opposite sex.
These men often have full lips with a gentle smile, straight and nice shiny teeth, and thick hair.

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